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A UFO hits a Romanian fighter plane.  Translation:  On 30 October 2007 Empty

Masculin Age : 45
Nombre de messages : 12825
Inscription : 11/03/2007
Localisation : France
Emploi : Privé
Passions : Ufologie, Histoire, lecture
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A UFO hits a Romanian fighter plane.  Translation:  On 30 October 2007 Empty A UFO hits a Romanian fighter plane. Translation: On 30 October 2007

Mar 13 Oct 2009, 19:23

A UFO Hits a Romanian Fighter Plane - Funny video clips are a click away

A UFO hits a Romanian fighter plane.


On 30 October 2007, a MIG-21 Lancer of the Romanian Air Force has escaped through the miracle of collision with some so-called UFO (unidentified flying objects), random confirmed as the pilot reached the ground well, as well as images carlinga of the plane, run by Realitatea . According to Lt. comandorului Marin Mitrică that the aircraft pilot, during a routine flight, some objects "strange" and had hit carlinga have broken glass dome, in ricoşând oxygen mask.

Everything has happened with a speed fulgerătoare This proved later and the images caught by video camera in operation on board. On the recording made during the flight concerned, the impact lasts no more than 67 milliseconds! Although the risk of crash seemed imminent, the pilot managed to return safely to base unit Campia Turzii from being directed from the control tower.

Mystery was to increase along with investigating the case, led by Lt. Nicholas comandorul Grigorie, himself MIG pilot and graduate of the French Institute forSecurity Aeronavelor therefore one of the Air Force specialists to investigate such incidents. Officer reported for the newspaper Gândul how, row on row, all assumptions that could provide a scientific explanation of chance were cancelled.

First, have been excluded natural causes: the device has not been hit by a bird (in Romania because the birds not to fly at the height of 6,500 meters, and the body of the plane was not found any trace of organic matter), nor a piece of ice (because the sky was clear and did not contain any conditions that norişor with water to freeze) or by a meteorite, because no astronomical data confirms entry of such bodies in the air that day.

Then, have been excluded and what the causes could have been made due to human activities. There were no civilian flights at any hour that at about 30 km from Gherla, where the unit MIG-21 Lancer, no exercises with artillery cannons or missiles, no incidents reported to police on missile launching craft or Fireworks and no weapon had not been launched a weather balloon. Data collected by Nicholas Grigorie have been supplemented by a survey of the National Institute of Criminalistică, appreciated that the hardness of the object that struck the aircraft was greater than the organic glass that was hit.

The object that struck the device was a motion of rotating around its own ax, have a trajectory towards oblică trajectory aircraft, but rejected the assumption that the analysis had been talking about a projectile. "We can say with certainty what was not, but not what it was - an object that struck the MIG, but we do not know what material was or origin", declared to us lt.-com. Grigorie, refusing to make any speculation about a possible "Extraterrestrial origins." Everything we could confirm was that, indeed, during the 67de milliseconds by "unidentified object" in the images are caught in carlingă see fugar and also two objects have passed through before the aircraft "as something which passes through the front of a car, but without a hit."

Neither European experts have not found an explanation The incident above Cluj County has been discussed in the framework of the Security Forces in Europe Air - AFFSC (E). However, none of the experts military aircraft from other European countries has not advanced any plausible hypothesis nine, to those already dismantled the Romanian investigators. Finally, as a participant in this body for consulting experts in military aviation safety, lt.-com. Nicholas Grigorie is of the opinion that in Romania, nefericite incidents in which to be involved apparatus of the Air Forces "are just like the others, not more or fewer."

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